The ozone layer protects the Earth from ultraviolet radiation from the Sun. Places where the concentration of ozone is extremely low are called ozone holes. Back in 1974, scientists found that holes are formed as a result of the contact of sunlight with substances containing chlorine or bromine. At low atmospheric temperatures, derivatives of these compounds destroy ozone. The ozone hole was first discovered in 1985 in the southern hemisphere over Antarctica. Public non-financial reporting is gaining popularity. The Central Bank issued recommendations for Russian businesses on the content and disclosure of such reporting Responsible investing is becoming more and more popular.
On the part of investors, there is a growing interest in data on how companies take into Russia WhatsApp Number List account sustainable development goals, risks and opportunities associated with the impact of ESG factors. Many stock exchanges introduce disclosure requirements for non-financial information. The publication of reports with such information is becoming more and more relevant for Russian business every year. The sustainable development agenda does not lose its importance even in the context of the current structural transformation of the Russian economy. Focus disclosure In July 2021, the Bank of Russia issued recommendations to public companies on disclosure in their reports of information on how they take into account factors related to environmental impact, social policy and corporate governance.
The regulator's recommendations are not binding on joint-stock companies. So far, there are no obligations to publish non-financial reports in Russia. The regulator's recommendations summarize the leading international practices, but at the same time take into account the specifics of the country. whose shares are traded on the exchange or over the counter. They can also be useful for other companies, as high-quality ESG reporting allows you to win not only the trust of shareholders, but also customers, employees and business partners. Access to non-financial information for all stakeholders gives them the opportunity to more adequately.